Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Best Private Dick Actors

Hard Boiled Books, the place for pulp, noir private eye fiction and media spot lights the BEST PRIVATE DICK ACTORS.

This month we spot light


Jack Webb as Joe Friday-Dragnet

Jack Webb was perhaps most famous for his role as Joe Friday in Dragnet.  Dragnet like many of the early TV shows of the black and white era, found there origins in Radio (Old Time Radio).  Jack Webb, like many of the early TV shows of that time made the transition from radio to television.

Jack was a natural as a HARD BOILED PI, he starred as Pat Novak on KFRC radio, then as Jeff Regan, perhaps his two best private detective shows.  Then along came fame like a dame with a milliion bucks, Jack landed on CBS radio with Dragnet and made the transition to television and later movies.  Like they say, the rest is history.