Friday, January 29, 2016

Pulp Cover # 8

A very cool cover with a Rad Bradbury short story inside!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Newest Sam Hill Short THE VELVET VOICE MURDER is FREE Today and Tomorrow!


In another exciting mishap adventure with his beautiful redhead secretary Roxy. Get your Free copy of THE VELVET VOICE MURDER today and tomorrow absolutely FREE!

Autographed Copy of Gold Digger Giveaway Contest- Enter for your chance to Win!

Want an opportunity to WIN  an AUTOGRAPHED paperback copy of
GOLD DIGGER: The Case Files of Harvey Valentine Private Dick?

Now is your chance.

To enter our GOLD DIGGER CONTEST you must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a US Resident. Sorry, this Giveaway Contest is available for Residents of the United States only.
  2. Must have a valid email address to enter the Giveaway Contest.
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Deadline to Enter is February 15th 2016.  Winners will be drawn and announced the following day, the 16th. Will contact you by email to get information for shipping details: Your Name and Address. Books will be shipped the 18th with the USPS please allow up 7 days to receive your book.

To enter, simply sign up for our Hard-Boiled Books Newsletter! Your email address remains 100% confidential. By signing up for our email newsletter you will have entered the GOLD DIGGER giveaway contest and secured your chance to win an autographed copy of Gold Digger: The Case Files of Harvey Valentine Private Dick.  You may unscribe to our email newsletter at any time after the drawing.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Man Against Crime "Hide and Seek"

In our ongoing investigation to find and bring to our visitors and readers the best in pulp detective entertainment, we are proud to share MAN AGAINST CRIME.  Starring Private Detective Mike Barnett. A tough private dick in New York. This show was broadcast live until 1952.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Pulp Cover # 7

We haven't posted a new pulp cover in a while. So here is a fantastic one! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A New SAM HILL Short is on the way! # 14 The Velvet Voice Murder

From R. Archer, outstanding author of Crime Fiction comes the newest release to the Best Selling Hard-Boiled Short Series: SAM HILL PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR

In episode # 14: The Velvet Voice Murder, Sam takes on the case of a dead disk jockey and brings her murderer to justice. It's hard-boiled hijinks as only Sam Hill can tell it. The Sam Hill Hard-Boiled Short Series can be read in any order!  Each Sam Hill Single is a stand alone story,  Read them all!

Look for the New Sam Hill Short, THE VELVET VOICE MURDER this week! We will announce the official release shortly, and as always, the first day of "Official Release" it will be FREE! But for one (1) day only! So bookmark or sign up for our Newsletter to stay updated on the latest in Hard-Boiled Entertainment and News on our latest New Releases!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dead Reckoning # 3 on the Mystery Best Seller List

Friday, January 15, 2016

Philip Marlowe "The Ugly Duckling" Full TV Show

Marlowe pays off a wealthy young woman's husband's mistress, but she doublecrosses him and turns up dead. Episode 1: Original Air Date: October 6, 1959. Philip Marlowe is a fictional private detective created by Raymond Chandler. Marlowe first appeared under that name in The Big Sleep published in 1939. Chandler's early short stories, published in pulp magazines like Black Mask and Dime Detective, featured similar characters with names like "Carmady" and "John Dalmas".

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Read MR. NOBODY, the latest Harvey Valentine Hard-Boiled Short FREE

From the proprietors of Hard-Boiled Entertainment a tale of a little, odd fella that isn't quite sure just who he is. Harvey Valentine is hired to discover his clients missing identity in this Hard-Boiled Short from outstanding Author of Crime Fiction- R. Archer.

Please Like it, Share it, Get it and Review it! Kind reviews would be appreciated. Please, when leaving reviews don't give spoilers.

Watch Jim Hanvey Detective Full Movie

Jim Hanvey is a genial but top-notch detective who has retired to his country home. An insurance company hires him to find a missing emerald so they won't have to pay out the $100,000 for

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Green Lama - The Man Who Never Existed

We recently discovered, The Green Lama, on Old Time Radio. These are fun shows to listen to. Much better than a lot of the crap on TV. Enjoy!

Dead Reckoning # 17 Hard-Boiled Amazon Best Seller List

Sales rankings change hourly on Amazon, and Daily. Dead Reckoning has been hanging in at # 4 on the Mystery Best Seller list, and at # 9 on the Literature & Fiction List!

Pulp Cover # 6

Great 5 Star Review of GOLD DIGGER


This very short lived series ran originally on CBS and was picked up by DuMont before being cancelled after 13 episodes. Surprisingly well done and unlike most shows of the era was filmed and doesn't just exist as kinescopes. Although some quality is lost by compression to YouTube this is taken from 16mm and should have more detail than most bargain basement versions floating around. Episode title is "Shoot The Works". This was filmed in 1949 but not broadcast until 1952... Enjoy!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Take a break with me and FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE - Little Black Book

Great Noir PI entertainment! They don't make shows like this anymore.

A 5 Star Review of The Triple Killing Caper!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dead Reckoning now # 4 on the Amazon Mystery Best Seller list

Enjoy a Film Noir with me! The Big Combo (1955)


You can get your hands on the latest SAM HILL short DEAD RECKONING # 13 in the Sam Hill Short Series FREE! Anytime! All the Time!

Dead Reckoning moving up The Hard-boiled Best Seller List!

This month's featured OTR: THE WHISTLER

For the month of January, our featured Old Time Radio Show spotlight is focused on, THE WHISTLER!

Enjoy this OTR show. These shows are often better than the modern shows on TV and audio books.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Review of DEAD RECKONING! 5 STARS!!!!!

You can now Subscribe to our Newsletter!

You can now subscribe to the HARD-BOILED NEWSLETTER. It's simple just punch in your email address in the box below or off to the side from anywhere on the site, and you can enjoy getting the latest News from Hard-boiled Books right to your email box! How GREAT is that!

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Monday, January 4, 2016

The Sam Hill Kindle Short Series as written by the author in 2015 is now bound within 1 (that's One) volume for your enjoyment. Get all 12 (at current) Sam Hill shorts for less than $5.


Get your grubby paws on this Sweet, Hard-Boiled Gem from Hard-Boiled Books and R. Archer. It's another mishap adventure with that wise-cracking Private Eye, SAM HILL.